Personal data is gathered upon your account creation on this platform, encompassing:

        Full Name

        Cellular Number

        Email Address

        Residential Address

        Date of Birth

All aforementioned data is kept confidential and will be utilized solely for order processing, user profile updates, and membership-related activities.

With your consent, we may notify you via email regarding your order status or provide updates pertaining to our store, such as new product arrivals or store closures.

Sensitive data, including card details provided during payment, is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed to any party without your explicit consent.


Typically, third-party service providers engaged by us will only access, utilize, and disclose your information to the extent necessary to facilitate the services they offer.

However, certain third-party service providers, such as payment gateways, maintain their own privacy policies regarding the information required for your transaction-related activities.

We advise reviewing the privacy policies of such providers to comprehend how your personal data will be handled by them.

Upon navigating away from our platform to a third-party website or application, this Confidentiality Agreement and our website's Terms of Service no longer apply to you.